Economic–financial dynamics of agribusinesses

Financing opportunities for business internationalization

The document contains summaries of the main public financing opportunities for export activities or foreign investments managed by the Italian Ministry of economic development as well as two Italian companies controlled by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (SIMEST and SACE). Since the financing opportunities have as beneficiaries the Italian companies, the document is in Italian.

Elements to take into account when applying for export credit insurance coverage

Export sales are more complex than domestic ones, because there is commercial risk, country risk and exchange risk depending on where our client is, so it is highly recommended to have adequate insurance coverage. This article can help to identify the elements that should contain the insurance that you decide to hire.

Analysis and management of th Operational Needs of Funds (ONF)

Post that describes the NOF – Operational Needs of Funds, an important type of asset that the managers must take into account when making their daily decisions (formula to calculate it and importance of taking it into account)

Balance analysis with financial ratios

Excel sheet with some financial ratios and its meaning, including a Balance Sheet with some data to help the understanding of each ratio and calculation.

Operational finance

Document showing the main financial ratios used in the business and their meaning, to know the profitability, liquidity or treasury, finance estructure, operational ratios, etc

Finance your Export development

Practical sheet, written by Business France, which explains how to properly finance export development

Accompanying and mastering export development

Practical sheet that explains how to equip a company of a structure and means to support and amplify your exports

"Sud de France Développement" official website

Joint-stock company operating in the Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée region, “Sud de Fance Développement” defines collective strategies for international development and implements major national and international structuring actions to enable regional companies to conquer New markets.

Official website of the National Association of Food Industries (ANIA)

ANIA is an association that takes care of representing, informing and supporting the agri-food companies in France

The characteristics of the agricultural sector today

The agri-food sector in Greece is one of the largest manufacturing sectors, participated by 21% in the overall Greek economy, including 1,300 companies and creating 70,000 jobs. The largest contribution to the food processing industry are dairy, bakery and spices and follow the wine and olive oil.

Data & Trends of the European Food and Drink Industry

Contents: The food and drink industry in the EU economy, Employment, SMEs, Sub-sectors, R&D and innovation, Consumption, Food chain, Food retail markets. Global and EU ranking of food and drink companies in 2011-2012.

The Greek Economy under Reform: A Sisyphean task or a victorious way to Ithaka?

Τhis research held by the FOUNDATION FOR ECONOMIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH, among others describes the Structural Deficiencies and Competitive weaknesses of the Greek economy and the Sectors Boosting Greek Economy.

Greece in Figures

The Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) through the new quarterly publication Greece in figures, published in both the Greek and English languages, presents statistical data providing an updated demographic, social and economic picture of Greece in a clear and comprehensive manner. The publication Greece in figures is intended for users of statistics who seek to have a comprehensive view of Greece, on the basis of the most recent statistical data.

International Trade in Goods

It provides useful elements about: External trade. International Trade in Goods by Enterprise Characteristics.
Indices of value and volume of External Trade.

Sectoral Report: Unlocking the potential of Greek agro-food industry

Supported by exceptional climatic conditions, agriculture is a key sector for the Greek economy, comprising 2.9 per cent of GDP and 14 per cent of employment (compared with an EU average of 1.2 per cent and 5 per cent, respectively). However, the lack of a clear agricultural strategy has led the sector to rely heavily on European subsidies, incapable of exploiting the dynamics of the rapidly-expanding international market. Greek agricultural production increased by less than 20 per cent during the past 25 years (compared with 220 per cent globally and 86 per cent in Europe).


The aim of this study is to concretize the contributions of agriculture in Turkey’s economic development process.

AGRICULTURE IN TURKEY AND AGRO-INDUSTRY –After 2015 Direct Invest Opportunities

This study shows investopportunities thah may occur inAgriculture, agrofood and agroindustry sectors, after 2015.