The M.IN.D – Marketing, Internationalization & Development project aims to:

  • create a stable, European network between institutional, economic and training actors to analyse,
    design, test, validate and disseminate a European framework to qualify an «International Marketing Manager» vocational profile. The profile defined with the contribution of the partnership, will be articulated in competences, named and describing knowledge and capacities/abilities and will indicate the relative EQF of the result expected and contain indicators to identify possession/exercise of a set of distinctive skills to:
    a) support SMEs in internationalisation processes
    b) analyse the internal and external resources of the enterprise to identify market opportunities and relative strategies to adopt
    c) define international marketing strategies
    d) guiding SMEs in defining export plans
  • validate and diffuse training standards and the didactic framework developed in the MIND project
  • increase digital integration in learning, favouring access to a plurality of open educational resources to
    access via the Open Educational Resources (OER) created with visual thinking techniques with the help of 2D/3D animations and games.


The expected results of the project are:

  1. the constitution of a stable, multi-actor
    transnational network
  2. undertaking of a cognitive analysis on a sample of SMEs that belong to the agro-food sector, with particular reference to SMEs interested in international development of the business, expression of the partner economic systems, focusing on human, financial and technical resources
  3. creation, via network socialisation spaces, of opportunities for networking, to aggregate ideas, experience, skills in the common design of a set of skills in the field of business internationalisation
  4. creation of the “MAR.CO Marketing Competencies” learning environment adopting training solutions in line with the evolution of technologies and multimedia languages, not confined to places and set times, leading to forms of social/collaborative learning.
  1. involvement of a group of 100 people (30IT, 30ES, 15GR, 15TK, 10FR) in the testing of the “MARK.UP- Marketing Upskilling” multimedia product, structured in OER to develop the set of distinctive skills of an organisational/management, commercial, relational and marketing nature, functional to define a correct and sustainable strategic plan for the international projection of small and medium enterprises
  2. creation of MIND STORY, a cross-media digital book to narrate the behind the scenes, the highlights, the stories, the people and participants’ experience
  3. identification of opportunities foreseen by regional, national and community calls, to implement and transfer the project results to new contexts/territories.